Wednesday, March 7, 2007

When it rains, it pours....

Greetings! Bienvenido! Today has been the second day of rain. I think it is funny how people react the same all over the world when there is bad weather. Everyone has been really tired here and not wanting to work because it has been cloudy and crappy. I am usually that way too but today I was excited to see it. Why? Because it felt like home. I got up and put on my jeans and an undershirt and a sweater, grabbed my north face fleece and went out to face the world!! HA! All I had to do was walk across the street in the mud! There are a lot of other people who make a three mile trek one way just to get to school! I will be honest…I just would not go. =D The cold is also very relevant, I think it was 40 degrees or something like that and I had the same coat on that I did when I left Colorado and it was 3 degrees! Funny right? Using the restroom last night in the rain was not my idea of fun either! So far my roof does not seem to be leaking. It is not the rainy season yet though. I finished my anti-biotics today! Yea! One more thing behind me!! Unfortunately, my dear friend Henry has had to go into Managua because his sister has become very ill. He is not coming back until next Monday! UGH! Please keep her in your prayers!! He is my best friend around these parts and not having him here is going to be just another obstacle!

Today was kinda a funny day too. My friend Oliver, from the peace, corp came into town. He teaches a business class on Tuesday’s to the high school group. He is from Chicago and speaks English…obviously! We get along pretty well and I think I am going to be able to out with him and some of his friends this weekend in Somoto! Which is excellent!! Gives me something to do!! I plan on drinking a lot of water and getting a lot of rest, wink, wink. Anyways… When he comes into town we end up talking quite a bit because well we speak the same language. Which means we eat lunch together when he is here and he helps me with things that I can’t translate yet and so on. Anyways, Ena, the woman who taught me how to make tortillas told him that he should marry me so I would stop being so sad. Oddly enough I understood her and I am sure I just turned red, I think Oliver did too. Then she told me that my thighs were fat. My friend Trino told me that my face was fat the other day. That is just kinda how things go here. They tell you the truth or some part of the truth. I really wanted to reply and be like…yeah…well I might be fat but one day I will be skinny and you will still be ugly. But number one I don’t know how to say that in Spanish and number two she isn’t ugly. I just laughed. Oliver was like nothing to worry about in Nicaragua it means that you are healthy and he clarified that with her and she just shook her head no and laughed. Then she went on to say that I don’t eat much because I don’t want to get fat. They are all like a family that says too much about you. Don Bayardo told Oliver that I didn’t like the food. I like the food!! If I didn’t I wouldn’t eat it!! I had an infection in my intestines because of it!! They are lucky I am still eating it at all!! I can’t really afford to feed myself three meals a day and well I don’t want to cook that much either so I eat and it is good. I do always say no to the salad though. We had some kind of vegetable mush today it was really great. We had chicken and vegetables yesterday. Usually have rice and beans for breakfast and dinner. I have other things to make for dinner like macaroni and cheese, and peanut butter and jelly, and top ramen and I just purchased some canned tuna so I can start making tuna salad. What I would give for a Cheeseburger!! I did buy bread, milk, jelly, tuna, mayonnaise, mustard and a cold chocolate milk at the store today for less then ten dollars!! Amazing right?

We ended up taking Oliver back into Somoto this afternoon and we talked a lot about being in Nicaragua and different things we struggle with here. A funny subject did come up though. There are a lot of animals running around here. Hens, rooster, dogs, cats, donkeys, cattle and horses. Anyways, because of, well I am not really sure what, you see animals having sex at least twice a week. All you can do is watch too. It makes you feel incredibly uncomfortable; especially with the roosters they just have their way with the hens and leave them. Before you know it, it is over and you are like what just happened? Well I leave you with that!

I was finished there until another greatly funny story just happened. I was going out to use the out house and the door was open and I was thinking to myself that I have been lucky so far that I have not walked by any of the guys peeing or anything. I share my outhouse and shower with four men. And they don’t use the outhouse to pee. I wouldn’t either but I can’t imagine what would bit my butt. Anyways, the door was open so I was like no one is in there…then I thought it’s too bad there isn’t a light to say busy or something. Yeah…I know I am lame I just don’t have anything else to do with my thoughts!! So I went to go in and there Freddy was just taking a dump…ay!!! I just busted out laughing and couldn’t move from that spot. He laughed too and Don Bayardo came out of his house to see what was going on! Oh life just keeps getting better around here!! Me Voy! I have to use the restroom…

Here are some pictures I have been meaning to post but our internet has been a little too slow for them

This is a picture of me and one of my students

These are some of the boys are the school

This is my center


Tara said...

I think you look amazing...and are amazing!! Did you ever think you'd be hitchiking in a foreign country? I love you!!

alice carlson said...

Just caught up with my reading. You are doing a great job taking care of yourself. We are all praying for you that things will get a little easier for you. Remember you come from good stock. Love Aunt Alice

Unknown said...

Hi Stephanie. I loved reading your blog. I will send the address to Connie and Alison. You are too much! You have no idea how proud we are of you. Get healthy and stay that way. WE love you. Aunt Chris