Wednesday, March 21, 2007

The Queen of The Broken Scoop

When I was arrived in Managua and was told I was going to be in Quebrada Honda I was told I would also be the Queen of Quebrada Honda. How true that was. It also turns out that in Spanish Quebrada Honda means Broken Scoop. For those of you who do not know, I am leaving Nicaragua. The doctors here cannot cure me from whatever I have and I pray that my doctor at home can. Therefore, this will be my last blog, just incase someone is still checking.

I have been nothing but overwhelmed the last nine weeks, emotionally and physically. I have seen extreme poverty and in the midst of it all generous people who would literally give you the shirt off their back or the rosary on their wrist. I have learned so many things about the world and myself. I believe even more will become evident as I return to the land of excess and opportunity. If there was one thing I could ask for more of…it’s time. Where does the time go? When I got here I wanted more time with my family and now that I am leaving I want more time in my town and with the children. They were just starting to give me hugs and hang on me all day long. They took an interest in me, probably because I always had a camera around my neck, I think they liked me and now I have left them. How do we all take time for granted? In Quebrada Honda there was nothing but time for me to just throw myself in. My first couple of weeks there I was just testing the water with my feet and never was able to fully immerse myself. Why? I was too scared to let go of home. Now that I am returning home, what I would give for more time in my broken scoop. Since the Queen’s butt is broken she will be returning tonight at 11:25pm to Denver International Airport.

I hope you all have enjoyed reading this and I am sorry it has come to an end. Thank you for all of your love, support and prayers. I love you all and can’t wait to see you and share more of my experience with you !!

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