Monday, March 5, 2007

So lonely...

What an amazing day…well afternoon I had today. I had been feeling lonely and sorry for myself on Saturday and so I decided to watch Under the Tuscan Sun, which kept me up until 11. I was really hoping that I would be able to sleep in then…so then I wouldn’t have to get up and find something to do. Well it turns out I was wide awake at seven thirty. Ugh, I had plans to go and make tortilla’s a new friends house, but I wasn’t suppose to be there until ten. Yeah…that’s a lot of time to waste. I thought about going out with my camera but I have been almost tackled by all of the kids when I go out! I wish they would just pretend like I wasn’t there and let me shoot. I mean it happens even when I don’t have my camera. I hear a child always yelling “Gringa” or “Hello” or “How are you my friend?”…so I am hardly invisible!! I ended up going and making tortillas and it only took us until ten thirty!! Then Ena and I went and looked at my neighbor Freddy’s new house. Ena is married to Melvin one of the guys who works at the school. If any of you know my friend Gabe just compare him to Melvin! Melvin cracks me up and he would do anything for you!! He’s so funny though. His wife also works in the kitchen at school and goes to school on Saturday’s with the other scholarship kids. She gave me two eggs that her chickens had laid (just had them for dinner…best eggs I have ever had!) and told me to come back whenever I get lonely. So afterwards I came up to my house and I am pretty sure I cried for about three hours straight. I have started reading this book about Zen and living in the now and not day dreaming about the future. I day dream a lot here…like about when I get to go home that oh the pictures I will have…but then it talks about how much you are missing! Well of course!! I just broke down and cried! Not to worry things got better!! Then it was time for mass. Well…I haven’t really liked Mass here…at all. I have hated going every weekend and started just standing in the back because I was tired of feeling like everyone is starring at me. Today we got there early because the boys from our center played the music. I was actually able to get a seat and two members of Trino’s family came over and sat next to me. Trino’s daughter and his sister to be exact, well his daughter had this great hand made rosary on her wrist and I told her that I liked it and she gave it to me!! I was like what? Why? I was floored!! Mass was actually very beautiful too. I am not sure what changed my mind…maybe because I wasn’t day dreaming about home? Then his sister invited me over after mass because the day before I said I liked her dress…well guess what? She gave it to me along with another one!! I have not seen kindness like that since I have been here. I think in America we can’t just show up at someone else’s house and be like I’m going to hang out…but here…it seems like that is what you have to do. There is a little old woman who always asks me when I am going to come back. I really like her and I can understand her pretty well.

Oh! On the truck ride back from church I ended up in the back…standing up…yeah that might be a line crosser…I haven’t decided yet. Anyways me and my monkey arms reached the OH SHIT bar at the top of the truck so I had something to hold on to. Well one of my students, she is a neighbor too, was standing in the back of the truck and she looked pretty uneasy about it…I gave her my hand during the first part but that wasn’t enough she ended up standing up next to me and put her arms around my waist to hold on. She is only 13 or 14 I am not sure and I think it was funny that she trusted me in the back of the truck, I don’t ride in the back of trucks! I don’t know what I am doing!

Not much else going on…I ended up going to the doctor last week because I was tired of having my chronic case of the runs, turned out I had an infection in my intestines. They gave me three shots in my ass and some antibiotics and sent me on my way. I feel a thousand times better!! I think everyone around here gets shots in their butts. There is some virus/cold/infection going on and I am not the only one who has had a shot in my butt this week. =D Hopefully not much of that will go on again this week…and hopefully never again for me!!

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