Tuesday, February 13, 2007

More News...

Wow! I cannot believe that I am able to post again so quickly! I went up to Cusmapa on Wednesday to use the Internet and my friend Callie has mentioned that we needed to get our passports renewed. That means we needed to go to Managua the next day and probably come back up on Friday. Callie had mentioned that she was going to be able to get a ride down to Somoto and they will stop by Quebrada Honda on their way and pick me up. Well around here I have a lot of miscommunications especially since I don’t know the language very well. So the plan was for Callie’s ride to pick me up and Henry to take us down to Somoto so we could catch the bus from there to Managua. Henry was going home for the weekend and agreed to go with us because Karla who works in the office was worried about us coming down…at least I think she was. I was also a little worried about it. Alright…anyways Callie said they were leaving around 5:30 or 6:00. I hope my memory is suiting me correctly. Then Bayardo my boss was like I will have Trino take you and Henry down to Somoto tomorrow and I tried to explain to him in Spanish that we had a ride down to Somoto with Callie and we didn’t need one from Trino. Of course he didn’t understand me and I was like…alright…Henry will know what is going on in the morning. So we got up at 5 and left at 530 so we could be down to the bottom of the mountain to meet Callie with our ride down to Somoto. So…we get there and wait and wait and wait and there haven’t been any cars…and Henry thinks Callie is coming on a bus. See, tons of miscommunication! The bus arrives and we get on and Callie isn’t on it so we don’t take it because if we go down to Somoto we have no way of getting a hold of Callie once we get there to find her. After dropping us off Trino had gone up to Cusmapa for some reason or the other. In the mean time, Callie had a miscommunication on her end and did not end up having a ride so when she went to look for one she found Trino coming back down the mountain through where Henry and I were waiting for her. Around 7:00 she showed up with Trino and they picked us up and took us down to Somoto. It was incredibly hilarious!! Around here you plan something and then you wait for it to happen because their aren’t really cell phones or any phones at all for that matter and when the internet has been down for over a week so have no way to talk with anyone. I do not know how it worked out except for by the grace of God. I have been getting a lot of lessons in patience and trust lately. Before I get to my next story of patience and trust here’s this! On the bus from Somoto to Esteli there was an evangelical preacher who they turned down the music for so he could preach to the whole bus. Well all three of us where sitting in the back and giggling about it and Callie was like I have to get a picture of this so she gets her camera out and leans over me to act like she was going to take a picture of something out the window and then she turns to the guy and takes a few of him preaching. Oh the story gets really good…so later in the day we are waiting on our second bus from Esteli to Managua and this Nicaraguan guys steps up on the steps of the bus and take a picture out the door and then turns and points his camera right at Callie and takes her picture. All three of us saw it while it was going on and we didn’t know what to do but to laugh. Callie responded with “I just got paparazzied!!”. It was the funniest thing I had ever seen!! We spent two nights in Managua and it turns out Americans have 90 days to renew their visas not 30 like the ticket we received said when first came into the country. Our trip turned out to be pointless except for some greats laughs and great food and a great hotel!! There was hot water there! YEA!

Everything else is going well. The organization has a donor trip going on right now so we have been able to speak with donors about what they do with Fabretto. We were also able to meet Alexandra, the president of the organization. What an amazing woman and an amazing group of people. I feel truly blessed to be able to work with such passionate people! Tomorrow I start teaching the high school kids. I am excited to start working with them!! Oh! And there is a Valentines Day party on Wednesday! I think it is probably about a ten mile hike down a mountain and then back up but that is just how things go around here! Hope all is well at home! Sending my love and prayers!

1 comment:

alice carlson said...

Steph, Loved reading about where you are and what you are doing. We are all so very proud of you. I now have to find a big map so I can see where you are at. Love to you
Aunt Alice