Thursday, February 15, 2007

A Different View

I am supposed to be getting a mirror today. Hopefully it will happen! My friend Henry and I always joke about things here because well they never work. Like the internet and the water and the lights. It started when we did not have the internet and I would ask about it and they would respond with maybe today. I would then respond with nunca which means never in Spanish. Also, when Henry would respond he would say someday in English so here in Quebrada Honda the joke is Nunca and Someday are mismo (the same). Funny how you can make jokes with people who don’t even speak your own language. Back to the mirror, I am getting a mirror today, and well I am looking forward to being able to see myself floss my teach but I find that when I look at myself everyday it is just not the same as once in a while. I find it makes me feel a little bit better about my appearance when I can’t really control it. I mean I get and brush my hair and if I want to put makeup on a try to using the reflection in the TV—it doesn’t work very well—but it is better then nothing! As much as I welcome a mirror I hope my big bushy eyebrows don’t break it. I guess you start to realize how much looks don’t really matter. My friend Callie and I were talking the other day about how we feel so manly compared to all of the Nicaraguan women. I mean they are beautiful and petite and can walk up the sides of mountains in high heels! Callie and I are about a head taller then most of them and the other day I was over exaggerating my largeness. I mean my should span is quite wide and so I put my shoulders up to my ears and made my voice low and said “Hello my name is Stephanie” I think you might have to see it to understand it but we got a kick out of it. Callie thinks I am a walking circus, which is probably true, but I entertain myself so that is great! I don’t understand why we get whistled at and yelled at all of the time what would these men want with any American compared to the beauty of the Nicaraguan women!

I have also started to learn how to let things go that bother me. There are a lot of things here that I get frustrated with. Probably because I have no control over them! The funny thing is, is when you have no one to really complain to about what you don’t like you just learn how to let it go. I guess I am finding that if I mention it, it doesn’t really change anything so I usually just have to get over whatever is bugging me! Ha! Life is funny. I really hope I can learn more about how to let things go. Life is so much easier that way!

The photos below are of my center, the school and some of the kids and my co-workers! I hope you enjoy! More to come!

1 comment:

MH said...

Happy Belated Valentine's Day. Posting at 5 am- you should be sleeping!