Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Y entonces...

Sunday, February 17, 2008

And another day is gone. Today wasn’t as relaxing as Saturday but it was just as great. I woke up around 9am and it was a beautiful day outside. I went and laid in the hammock for about an hour reading and then went on a morning walk with Mike, one of the other volunteers. We walked around Cusmapa and then went to the highest point in town to overlook the mountains.

The evening before was eventful. After making our homemade calzones we played some yatzee and then proceeded to dress up as pirates. There are some pictures included in this blog. As you can tell some of us could look like men if we had the correct hormones.

The other two volunteers visiting, Kate & Mike, went back to Somoto today. I joined them on the bus. I was able to get off in El Cipion, the community just before Quebrada Honda. (The community I was living in last year) I hiked up to my old community. It took me about thirty minutes to get there and I enjoyed every second of. The walk is surrounded with mountains and trees. I am really not into nature very much but I am into being able to go on a walk and not seeing/hearing a car or a cell phone. What did amaze me was that I was able to see the new cell phone tower that was just recently placed in Cusmapa. Yes, there is cell phone service here now this adds to the wireless Internet service but the town is still lacking clean water! I hope you are saying to yourself seriously? I am very serious! =D

As I made my way up the mountain I was just about to reach the highest point before it drops into the town. I ran into this woman who was taking her time getting up the mountain. She was very old and was using a walking cane. I couldn’t just pass her by and not say hello. Well a gracious hello turned into a long conversation about where I was from, where I was going and what I was doing in Nicaragua. Just as a reminder, I don’t speak Spanish very well! The other side of the mountain was in sight and as I came over it I was greeted with Hola Estefania! There is a woman who I would visit almost every day she was always very gracious. I have a great photograph of her going in to my upcoming show. It turns out; She was wearing the exact same dress that she was in, in the photograph in my show. I sat with her and her daughter and their grandchildren on their front porch for about 15 minutes. I then explained to them that I would be back for a couple of days later in the week. As I ventured down the road I ran into some of my students who recognized me and others who didn’t. I got to the end of the main road, that dead ends into some houses. My friend Trino and his family lives there. He was my next stop. I had a nice conversation with him in his living room. He allowed me to sit in the chair and hey sat on some bags filled with fertilizer. I am not sure why he has fertilizer but if I re-call correctly, that is what the bag said. After seeing Trino I traveled to Melvin and Ena’s house. Both work at the school and I was able to become very good friends with them during my first visit. Their son Sammy was there, he is about six years old now. Him and I went on a walk up to Bayardo’s house. Bayardo is the director of the oratorio in Quebrada Honda. I was then able to sit and visit with Bayardo in front of the school and chat about what is new in QH. It was a very shot visit but so wonderful to see all of my old friends. I am returning to stay with them all for about 2 full days. It isn’t enough time but it will be sufficient.

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